You’ve made it through the resume check, the phone screen, and the in-person interview. You’re sitting on the couch watching tv when you get a phone call. On the other end of the line, you hear “Congratulations!”. Your recruiter tells you that you got the job and will be receiving an official offer soon! You… Read more »
Achieving the work-life balance

We are constantly connected—always on our phones refreshing our emails, responding to texts from clients, and juggling a social life on the side. Some employers expect you to respond to emails late at night even though you’d much rather be sitting down for dinner with your family. These expectations make it really difficult to achieve… Read more »
Writing professional emails
It might surprise you to know that kids aren’t learning how to write proper emails in school. Email is an older technology and can sometimes feel outdated, but it is still widely used in the workforce. Most companies communicate with their employees over email. In addition, many recruiters use email to interact with candidates. Here… Read more »
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Hey Bolt Friends! What are you doing to celebrate Cupid’s day? Here at Bolt, Calvin is wearing a “statement” piece which has attracted significant attention. He has had his outfit planned for weeks. It’s truly a Valentine’s day staple. Note the color coordinated shoes. If you haven’t checked out our Instagram, this #funfactfriday features a… Read more »
W.o.W. (5): Nailing the interview

Hey folks! We’re back with part five of our job search series, “Words of Wisdom (W.o.W.)”. This week, we’re helping you nail the in-person interview. We already covered your resume, your elevator pitch, and your outfit, now it’s time to think about making a good impression when you meet your interviewer. Step 1: Self-Check When… Read more »
Wine + Global Warming = :(

We’re constantly talking about climate change in the face of California’s wildfires and the current election. We use the words “climate change” to explain the unexplainable like the bizarrely warm days that pop up in January and February. Beyond the devastating fires, what other impacts does climate change have in California? Well, for one, we… Read more »
Keeping track of a busy life

As I’m sure you’ve heard, this world is pretty connected. Because of that, you’re expected to be more responsive now than ever before. With that added pressure, it can sometimes be difficult to keep your life in order. You have to stay organized to remember when to pick up the kids from baseball, when to… Read more »
Words of Wisdom (4): “But what do I wear?”

After a bit of practice, you’ve officially nailed the phone interview. Two days later, you get an email from the interviewer saying that they would love to meet you in person. You’re excited, maybe a little nervous. You’re really preoccupied about making the right impression. Like it or not, that means that you have to… Read more »
Women in the Workforce 💪

Here we are in 2020, 100 years after women earned the right to vote. A lot has changed since then. For starters, you’re on your computer reading a blog. The word “blog” wasn’t even adopted into the English language until the 1990s, an abbreviation from “weblog.” Anyway, women are a much more equal member of… Read more »
Words of Wisdom (3): Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills
Sure, the interviewer herself probably won’t ask you outright to list your hard and soft skills. She might be a bit more subtle than that and ask about your “qualifications” or your “leadership style,” but you should be prepared with a mental (maybe physical, too) list of your hard and soft skills to market to… Read more »